To redesign the Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation of Colorado

My Role:UX Researcher & Designer

Team Size:3

Tools:Figma, Invision, Miro, Slack, Google Slides

Timeline:3 Weeks

Deliverables: Team Building, Heuristic Evaluations, Proto-Persona, Research Plan, Project Proposal, Stakeholder Interview, User Interviews, Surveys, Competitor Analysis, Affinity Diagram, User Persona, Problem Statement, Feature Priority Matrix, Card Sorting, Revised Sitemap, New UI Style Guide, Clickable Prototype, Five User Tests, Mid-Fidelity Prototype Based on User Testing Analysis, 10 min Presentation


When searching for a non-profit to redesign, we narrowed our search to small local Colorado organizations. Second Chance Rehabilitation Center caught our attention immediately upon opening their homepage. Our first impressions of their website had us questioning legitimacy and we felt there were many opportunities to update the site with modern UX and UI.

Interview Plan Four user Interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data from participants on donating/charity experience. Interviewees were chosen from convenience sample.

Core Interview Questions

Do you have any contributions that you have made to your community in the past?

Have you ever made any donations monetary or otherwise? If monetarily, in what format?

What motivated you to donate if you did?

How would you like to see your donations utilized?

Have you ever participated in any community events?

How do you like to view education content?

What would you like to see on a website before donating? After?

Do you prefer to get some type of recognition for donating?

If you were to come upon an injured animal, how would you find information on what to do?


Pain Points

  • Contributors with limited time and funds can be hesitant to donate when they cannot see clearly how their donations are being utilized.
  • Users interpreted current website as untrustworthy due to "outdated" and "uninviting" appearance
  • No page hierarchy, user confused where to look or what links to use

How might we update the non-profit website to reassure potential contributors of the validity of the organization and provide visibility to how donations are put to use?

The Solution:

To update the non-profit website design to reassure potential contributors of overall website security and provide visibility to how donations are put to use.

User Persona


Information Architecture

The first thing we focused on was the organization of the web site. We started with card sorting by pulling headers and links found under each of the existing tabs. Based on our card sorting results we created a new sitemap.


We started by sketching individually and then came together as a team to review. After presenting our approaches we were able to merge our ideas into a low fidelity digital prototype using Figma.

Card Sorting + Revised Sitemap





Product Under Test

The low-fidelity prototype of the revised navigation

Business Case

The Second Chance Wildlife navigation is being tested to determine the usability based on the low fidelity wireframes. The benefit of testing is to confirm whether or not the user is able to navigate the website intuitively.


Five users were recruited out of convenience.


  • Smartphones
  • Laptops
  • Zoom
  • Screen Recorder

User Tasks

  1. Find the Volunteer Info Page 63% Success Rate
  2. Make a donation with Paypal 100% Success Rate
  3. Find information on Baby Birds 50% Success Rate


Product Under Test

The mid-fidelity prototype of the revised navigation

Business Case

The revised Second Chance Wildlife navigation is being tested to determine if the usability has improved from the low fidelity wireframes.


Five users were recruited out of convenience. All subjects had some roommate experience.


  • Smartphones
  • Laptops
  • Zoom
  • Screen Recorder

User Tasks

  1. Find the Volunteer Info Page 83% Success Rate
  2. Make a donation with Paypal 100% Success Rate
  3. Where would you look for information on rescuing a raccoon?83% Success Rate
... ...


Redesigning the Second Chance Wildlife website was a great opportunity do see how design could impact donations. Given more time would would like to do another survey based on the revised website design to compare the percentage of users willing to donate. We would also like to add a page displaying how the monetary donations are spent as this was desirable among 75% of users interviewed.

Final Clickable Prototype:

Final Prototype
