To update website based on UX audit

My Role:Product Designer


Tools:Figma & WordPress

Timeline:Open/Volunteer Project

Deliverables: Clickable low-fidelity revised navigation prototype in Figma, Usability tests on revised navigation


Original Website


Product Under Test

The redesigned navigation for the PPAHS website is being tested for usability.

Business Case

The revised navigation is being tested to determine if the usability has improved with the new information architecture. The benefit of testing is to confirm whether or not the redesign achieves this.


4 users were recruited at convenience. All subjects had very limited knowledge of the PPAHS.


  • Laptops
  • Zoom

User Tasks

  1. As a physician, Where would you look for information on continuing medical education? 75% Success Rate
  2. As a patient, where would you look for information on knowing the signs of a stroke? 100% Success Rate
  3. As a physician, where would you first look for information on enhanced respiratory care certification?75% Success Rate
  4. Where would you look for information on joining PPAHS?100% Success Rate

User Test Recordings



Based on completed user tests it was discovered that "Projects" lead to some confusion. One user commented that they were looking for a "For Physicians" tab as there was a tab "For Patients". Another user commented that "Projects" made them hesitate as they were not sure what would be listed there. After presenting the findings to the team it was decided to change "Projects" to "For Clinicians".
